Collection of Easy to Make Orange Recipes

Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

Use Lemon Benefits for a Healthy Body Diet

Eating lemons for a diet is one of the simple ways that is believed to reduce weight and make your body look more attractive. However, has this proven effective lemon diet method? Who doesn't know lemons? This fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are good for health. This low-calorie fruit contains a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, water, complex carbohydrates, and calcium. Fruit that is often processed into cold drinks not only has a refreshing taste, but also a myriad of health benefits. Benefits of lemon include preventing heart disease, reducing the risk of kidney stones, maintaining digestive tract function, and reducing cholesterol. In addition to the various benefits above, regular consumption of fruit or lemon juice is also believed to reduce weight. Therefore, many people who consume lemon for the diet.

How to Use Lemon for Diet

Diet with lemon water is fairly simple to live. The essence of this diet is to reduce calories by limiting the food consumed, and increase consumption of lemon water and water. It is recommended that you gradually reduce food and beverage intake before actually applying the lemon diet and not consuming other foods or drinks. It is intended that the body can adjust to the lemon diet pattern. The following are the stages of the lemon diet:

First and second day

Avoid processed foods, meat, milk, sugar, fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, soda, and caffeine. In the first two days, focus on consuming only freshly washed vegetables or fruit.

The third day

Start making it a habit to go on a diet by only consuming smoothies, soup broth, and fruit or vegetable juices throughout the day.

The fourth day

You should only drink plain water or squeezed orange juice plus one or two teaspoons of sugar to taste. Sugar intake can provide energy for the body to avoid fatigue during the diet.

Fifth day

You can start on a lemon diet. First, prepare the ingredients for making lemon water, which is 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a glass of water, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Combine these ingredients and drink each time you feel hungry. Limit consumption of lemon water is 6-12 times a day. This diet should be accompanied by consuming 1 liter of warm water mixed with 1 or 2 tablespoons of salt every morning and one glass of water or warm tea at night before going to bed. Lemon diet is carried out for 10-30 days, calculated after the initial adjustment period. When your weight has reached the expected target and you want to stop dieting, don't do it suddenly. Just like when starting, stopping the lemon diet must also be done gradually. At this stage, you may start eating as usual, but limit the portion and number of calories consumed so as not to gain too much weight. Also interspersed with consumption of lemon water when hungry.

Is the Lemon Diet Effective in Weight Loss?

The lemon diet encourages you to cut your calorie intake drastically, thereby impacting on weight loss. But actually, the lemon diet is not the main way recommended by doctors to reduce weight, because the safety and effectiveness of this diet method is still questionable and needs further investigation. Some people who go on this diet can also gain weight again if their diet is not maintained. Not only that, the lemon diet also risks causing your body to lack nutrition and increasing your risk of experiencing a number of health problems, such as malnutrition or dizziness and weakness. How to lose weight safely and correctly is to adjust your diet, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and exercise regularly. The process also must be done in stages.

How to go on a good diet

Before going on a diet, you must first calculate your body mass index. This aims to find out how much body weight must be removed. After that, you also need to find out why you are overweight. The reason is, having a body that is too fat is not only caused by a bad lifestyle, such as often consuming high calorie foods or rarely exercising, but can also be due to medical conditions or side effects of certain drugs. When going on a diet, you are only recommended to lose weight as much as 0.5-1 kg every week. More than that, you have the potential to experience dehydration, electrolyte disorders, muscle aches, metabolic disorders, and gallstones. Consuming lemon water might be used as a supportive method in your diet program. For example, if you like to consume high-calorie drinks, like sodas or sugary drinks in containers, you can replace them with lemon water. This will certainly help you lose weight. Because the lemon does not contain many calories. There are only about 20-25 calories in one lemon. If you have excess body and intend to reduce it, try to consult with a nutritionist before you try any type of diet, especially extreme diets that have not proven its safety and effectiveness.

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